Skilled Company


The Business Investors Group was formed in September 1997 by a small group of successful entrepreneurs some of whom, having sold their businesses, had made capital gains, but still felt a desire for some hands-on involvement. They were not yet ready for full retirement but did not wish to be immersed in running businesses on a day-to-day basis. By banding together to seek potential investment opportunities in the North East of England and Cumbria, they have been successful in building a network that provides a steady stream of interesting investment opportunities.

Through BiG, they are able to participate in a variety of investments, pool their knowledge, spread the risk, make money and have some fun in the process. Since 1997, the members have invested in excess of £35.5 million, attracting SEIS, EIS and Rollover relief in the process.  turnaround_bubble

Current Members

Because of BiG’s expertise and high-profile networking programme, its members are exceptionally well placed to understand the problems of the entrepreneur. BiG members are also able to provide a wide range of professional skills to assit companies, both pre-and-post investment