Corporate Member Profile

Corporate members are part of the BiG network and development service that supports the small and medium-size (SME) market in the ‘North East of England’. They have expertise and services to offer the SME market too, and they support BiG’s ethos and working structures.

Typically, corporate members wish to be part of a network of like-minded professionals, and include organisations such as accountants, banks, lawyers, solicitors, and risk, estate and asset management companies and individuals, with a commitment to developing North East businesses profitably.

Corporate members attend 3 yearly meetings, at which one or two presentations are made outlining the progress of some current investments. Many of them share in the investment process by offering their professional services, while others introduce clients seeking investment funds.

To date, BiG has been the only organisation in the North East that delivers a service that pulls together the different strands to offer ‘equity and expertise’ to local businesses wishing to develop successfully.

Current Corporate Members